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Maintenance - Services - Warranties - Accessories
Smart Services / OpelConnect
Make the most out of our digital services, wherever you are: plan and arrange the maintenance of your Opel in our workshops, validate services and keep being informed by our Opel experts.
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Recent Service Offers
Always prepared for the new season – discover our seasonal service offers for carefree driving with genuine opel service offers and products.
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Maintenance Management
We know how valuable your time is – thus we aim to make your Opel’s servicing routine as simple as possible.
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Parts & Accessories
Choose Opel Original Parts and Accessories as well as Opel remanufactured parts for perfectly ftting, excellent availability and fast replacement.
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Warranties & Care
Convenient all-in-one programs for your peace of mind. We offer individual packages that include Roadside Assistance, Extended Warranty and Service coverage.
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Maintenance Information
At Opel Service, taking care of your vehicle is our number one priority, so you can have a seamless experience of your car as much as possible and with complete confidence.
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